Being denied by a lender because of a black mark in your financial history is incredibly frustrating for anyone to deal with. Everyone makes mistakes or is victim to circumstances that are out of their control, and you shouldn’t have fewer borrowing opportunities because of it.
Popovich Financial Services is able to provide you with a bad credit mortgage broker who can tailor solutions specifically for borrowers that do not meet the policies of traditional lenders. Our bad credit mortgage broker has highly competitive rates that are far cheaper than many other traditional lenders.
Get the second chance you deserve with our Bad Credit Mortgage Brokers!
Why hire our non-traditional lending specialists?
Because you already know that the traditional lenders and the banks have an extremely narrow set of rules by which they judge your application. The often only see you as a number, as nothing more than an equation for them to asses risk by.
Many of these lenders will reject your application simply because they perceive some factors of your life, like credit issues or self-employment, as being ‘high risk’. This can unfairly square people in a box whereby they aren’t trusted to re-pay loans.
Not only is this terribly demeaning and demotivating, but it prevents you getting the same access as other Australians. At Popovich, we don’t think this is fair and we want to do our best for you when you solicit one of our bad credit mortgage brokers.
Our bad credit mortgage brokers aim to be different from the traditional lenders you have encountered. They’ll happily re-asses your application, even following rejection by the other traditional lenders.
A Popovich bad credit mortgage broker can give you a wide range of specialised borrowing solutions that aim to give you a choice that suits your preferences and individual circumstances.
Feel confident and empowered with our bad credit mortgage brokers!
Here at Popovich Financial Services, we take pride in:
Our credibility as a financial service
Our transparency and openness
Our specialised services for people who are self-employed or have bad credit history
Our 21 years of finance and business management experience
Our expertise in the financial sector and the banks
Our responsiveness to our client’s personal objectives and needs
Our bad credit mortgage brokers are eager to meet new people and help them achieve outcomes they may not have thought possible for them. Our goal is to break down barriers so that you can get the ‘fair go’ you deserve.
Make sure you’re heard – Call us for a bad credit mortgage broker!
Our bad credit mortgage brokers are experts in providing specialised solutions that work for a variety of different types of people. Where a traditional lender may have said no, we can say yes!
We’ll be sure to consider your application thoroughly even if you have issue with:
Credit history issues
ATO debts
Discharged bankruptcy
Prior or current mortgage applications
+ more
Call us for 24-7 service without any fees!
We are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week and make a point to maintain routine correspondence with our clients, even after a loan is settled.
Our accreditation with a huge list of Australian lenders means that we do not charge any fees as we are paid by the banks we refer loans to.
The Popovich Difference – Experience and Empathy
Managing Director of Popovich Financial Services, Nick Popovich, has over 21 years of Business and Finance Management experience. This expertise gives our clients peace of mind, knowing that they are in the capable hands of a firm that thoroughly understands the finance industry from head to toe.
We know that matters regarding financing can be complicated and frustrating when you encounter roadblocks. This is why our specialist lenders are able to offer ‘out-of-the-box’ borrowing solutions for people who would otherwise be rejected by traditional lenders and banks.
The huge range of lenders and loans we are accredited with gives us the freedom to offer a wide range of diverse borrowing options for our clients. We know that everyone is different and that there is rarely a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, so we seek to specialise our service in every way we can.